What is meant by Retrogression of Planets ?
Retrogression of planets can be defined as the backward movement of planets.So,Are they really moving backwards? Certainly Not! Retrogression is merely an illusion,this can be explained with the help of an example.Consider two vehicles moving with a constant speed,at some point the first vehicle increases its speed so naturally the passengers in the first vehicle observes that the second vehicle is moving backwards even though the second vehicle had never changed its speed.The same results can also be observed if the second vehicle decreases its speed at one point.This is the concept of Retrogression of Planets.
In Astrology,Retrogression of Planets plays an important role while predicting the results.There are different opinions between astrologers regarding the effects of retrograde planets and it is still a matter of debate.In an ancient astrological treatise called Uttarakalamritha,the author Kalidasa states the following points worth mentioning :
(I) A debilitated planet if retrograde acts as an Exalted Planet.
(II) An exalted planet if retrograde acts as a Debilitated Planet.
So,it is clear that we cannot ignore retrogression of planet in any given birth chart.Not only that,In vedic astrology retrograde planets acquire a special strength known as Cheshta Bala which is also taken into account while calculating Shadbala of planets.
Retrogression of Planets in Nadi Astrology
In Nadi Astrology,Retrogression of planets is given great importance.A rule in Nadi Astrology is that,A Retrograde planet always aspect the rear sign by half aspect.Retrograde planets are often mentioned as 'Looking Back' or 'Running Back',this is because,In Nadi astrology results are explained in a philosophical way without the reference of ascendant or any other divisional charts.To explain it with an example,we may consider the following chart.

In the above given chart,Jupiter and Saturn is Retrograde,in addition to that Jupiter is debilitated.To explain the situation we may consider the following points :
(1) Jupiter placed in Capricorn(Ishwaramsa) is running back towards his own sign Sagittarius because Ketu who is always running retrograde,which signifies the end of everything is approaching Jupiter from Aquarius.Moreover,Jupiter's friend moon is also situated in Sagittarius.
(2)Saturn placed in Pisces which is his friend's house is running back to his own house Aquarius were his friend Ketu also is situated in the same sign.This combination is known as Moksha Karma Yoga in Nadi Astrology,which relates to end of Karma and attaining Moksha.
(3)In this situation only Saturn(Karma) can help his friend Jupiter(Jeeva) because Ketu is in the sign of Saturn.Moreover,There is an Parivartana Yoga between Saturn and Jupiter which is also known as Guru Karma Yoga.
So,from the above the chart we can conclude that the native of this birth chart will struggle a lot in his early life but when during transits Saturn enters Capricorn and Jupiter enters Pisces,the Parivartana is completed and after that he will see a good life ahead.
Likewise one should also consider the natural functioning and condition of planets,the planets situated in the succeeding and preceding sign and for special yogas like parivartana yoga while analyzing Retrograde planets.
Not only for retrograde planets,Planets in 2nd and 12th are always given importance while considering any planet,because they are the nearest neighbours.Sometimes they may be thick friends and sometimes born enemies.All these should be remembered while analyzing any birth chart.
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